The bibliography is a list of all the books, chapters of books, magazine articles, encyclopedias, dictionaries, webpages, personal communications, etc. that were used during the writing of a paper or preparation of a presentation. In a paper it is usually put at the end and in the form of a list: numbered or with bullets.

Books: Author(s). Title. City: Editorial. Year.

Example: Reboul, Olivier. Lenguaje e Ideología. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica. 1986.

Chapters of Books: Author(s). Chapter Title. In Last Name, First Name. Book Title. City: Editorial. Year. Pgs.

Example: Tolkien, J.R.R. An Unexpected Party. In: The Hobbit. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1997.

Personal Communications: Author. Subject. Date.

Example: Soto, Maria Liliana. Ancient World. October 17, 2000

Magazines: Author(s). Article Title. In Magazine Name. No. Vol. Date. Pgs.

Example: Bryson, Bill. Sydney: Auge en las Antípodas. In National Geographic. Vol. 7 No. 2. August 2000. Pgs.5-25

Encyclopedias: Article Title. Encyclopedia Name. City: Editorial. Year. Pgs.

Example: Acetileno. Nueva Enciclopedia Larousse. Barcelona: Planeta. 1980. Pgs. 73, 74.

Newspapers: Author(s). Title. In Newpaper Name. City. Date. Pgs.

Example: Redacción Internacional. Diplomacia Lucha por Cumbre. In El Tiempo. Santafé de Bogotá, D.C. October 14, 2000. Pg. 1-10

Webpages: Author. Webpage Title. Editor. Date. [URL Address] Date Visited.

(ommit any non existing information)

Example: Díaz del Castillo, Fernando. Bibliography [] September 1, 2001.