
1. Visit the link to the stories written in Janet Murray's class at MIT and choose a story to read.

Janet Murray's students' stories

2. Read the story completely by visiting all the links and reading all the possible versions.

3. Answer the following questions in a piece of paper. If you are working in pairs use one paper each.

  1. How does this story make the reader participate?
  2. Does the story make the reader a character in it? If not, how can the reader be a part of the story without being an actual character?
  3. What possibilities of action does the reader have inside the story? If not inside the story, how do the readers' actions change the story?
  4. What possibilities of transforming the storyline does the reader have?
  5. What kinds of images does the story include, if it does, and what do these images do for the story itself.

4. Put the paper with the answers inside your folder and keep them for a furher analysis to be done in class.