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The study of linguistics will be directed in two different directions:

a) Students will work on grammar and vocabulary exercises that will be focused on correctness, with topics ranging from punctuation and capitalization to verb agreement and sentence structure.

b) During the course, students will begin to understand the reasons behind the acceptability of different forms depending on specific social and interpersonal contexts and intentions, power relations, courtesy, etc. They will apply this knowledge to their usage of English in text and talk.

Grammar will be graded in every written paper and oral presentation.

By the end of the bimester, students will have learned thirty new words from the literature books they are reading. Grammar work will be done individually and corrected individually. Each student will work on his own personal difficulties based on his own writing for other achievements.

Students will study words from the readings they do, by using the dictionary and writing with them. They will use the words in their writings.

Grammar will be corrected in every written paper, and the students will correct their mistakes.

Two vocabulary exercises done at home and two done in class will be the 30% of the grade.

One vocabulary exam will be 30%.

The grammar and mechanics of every written paper will be a 30% (-0.2 for each mistake, which may be -0.1 if the student corrects his mistakes the day after receiving the marked paper).

The remaining 10% will be the grade for the folder and readiness to learn.

  • World of Language

By the end of the bimester, students will have learned thirty new words from the literature books they are reading. Sincer grammar work will be done individually and corrected individually, each student will work on his own personal difficulties based on his own writing for other achievements.

Students will study words from the readings they do, by using the dictionary and writing short compositions with them.

Grammar will be corrected in every written paper, and the students will correct their mistakes.

Two vocabulary exercises done at home and two done in class will be the 30% of the grade.

One vocabulary exam will be 30%.

The remaining 10% will be the grade for the folder and readiness to learn.

  • World of Language

By the end of the bimester, the students will have improved in their usage of verbs, and they will have learned 40 new words from the novel The Hobbit.

Students will study, review, and practice verb forms (simple, past, participles) and usage of verbs.

They will also study the new vocabulary from the novel The Hobbit. There will be class and homework exercises with the book World of Language and photocopies from other English Textbooks.

Weekly vocabulary quizzes and/or exercises, class work and homework will do for 1/3 of the final grade. A partial and a final exam will do for the other 2/3. Bonuses will appear online and positive and negative points (+/- 0.5 in a quiz) will be given for class participation.

Readiness to learn will be a 10% of the final grade.

  • World of Language

By the end of the bimester the student is expected to write using paragraphs, correct punctuation and capitalization. His vocabulary should have improved.

Students will review and practice the uses of topic and supporting sentences, periods, questions marks, exclamation marks, commas, colons, semi-colons, and quotation marks. 

They will also practice writing paragraphs through creative writing from other achievements and exercises from the book World of Language. They will do homework and class work.

Weekly vocabulary quizzes and/or exercises, class work and homework will do for 1/3 of the final grade. Two partial exams will do for the other 2/3. Bonuses will appear online and positive and negative points (+/- 0.5 in a quiz) will be given for class participation.

  • Silver, Burdett and Ginn. Wold of Language. Pgs. 86-97, 636-667.