Octubre 2007

So, I went to the doctor

Yeah, Monday I had good (and blue) company to go to the doctor (Castro is his name) and it was as uneventful as it has been since I finished treatment. Which is, of course, really good! This guy I've seen only twice, but he was well recommended and is a lot nicer than the previous one, Dr. Restrepo. He started by asking how I had been feeling, or rather, if I had been feeling great. And well, I have.

K12 Online Conference

A wonderful idea is back online for '07, the K12 Online Conference. It started today and the first videos are being downloaded as we speak (don't know if they were available before today, though). There will be 2 weeks worth of video conferences, discussion, blogging, and a final 24-hour Elluminate closing event. I'll keep blogging as I watch and read. It looks awesome though! Don't miss it. http://k12onlineconference.org/ . Use the tag "k12online07" if you blog about it.

Furry happy monsters

Vips sent me a link to this wonderful Muppet video. I guess it's from The Muppet Show. The muppets rule!

[youtube zkHM8xG6i8o]

Wow… and in the second viewing I realized they are actually *teaching* something to children! (Though the audience of The Muppet Show Tonight was probably not children): laughing shows you feel fine, happy; crying that you feel sad or glum.
The Muppets rule!


Why haven't I got a check-up in so long? Last time I seriously saw the doctor was over a year ago, and I know it should be done every six months. My insurance not being willing to pay for a PET CT is one reason, sure, but blood work and a CT Scan are reasonable options. The insurance business is not the real reason, though. I've never liked seeing doctors, getting checked. I don't mind needles, exams or being poked.... well not really. It's not comfortable, but it's not a big issue. I think the problem is more related to coping with fear. Ignorance is bliss.

En expociencia - expotecnología

El jueves estuve en expociencia-expotecnología en Corferias. La Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia nos invitó a hacer una presentación de 15 minutos y participar en un pánel de discusión con algunos otros expertos. Reciclé un poco la presentación que había hecho en Maloka hace más o menos un año, pero un poco reducida, pues tenía la mitad del tiempo.