Guild Wars on my Macbook pro (2nd attempt), success!

When I bought my Mac I made sure I could run Guild Wars, the one online game I play. I booted into Windows every time I wanted to play and it wasn't too much of a hassle. It wasn't ideal either. Then parallels came up with DivX support for Intel Macs and I bought it. I posted something about it a while back. It was painfully  slow. Unplayable.

Yesterday I searched for another solution (don't really know why or what I was originally looking for) and found Crossover, another virtual machine software (that doesn't actually install Windows so it doesn't need a license for it). I downloaded the trial version and installed GW. Then I copied the data file from the Windows partition into the folder in Crossover where the game resided  and ran the game. The process took a while to figure out, I have to say. Graphics were bad. But in the process I had found a page with advice: Compatibility Tips. It worked.

It works great. Graphics aren't as nice as in native Windows on the Macbook pro, but they are as good as they are on my old PC, a Thinkpad T40. It runs pretty smoothly. I now have Guild Wars on my Mac, running Leopard and Crossover. I tried making a video with iShowU, but it lagged the [game] video and didn't make justice to Crossover.

I just say... it's the best solution I've found for running GW on a Mac. I've successfully played Random Arenas a few times.

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