July 2005

Breaking news - 8/11

August 11, Thursday after next, at 12:30 PM I will be boarding a plane in Logan airport: destination: Bogotá! Finding a job and living out of savings proved more difficult than I expected. I have better leads and job opportunities back home, where a Harvard degree is valued and rare, not common and almost useless as in Boston. So, if you wanna say good-bye, give me a call. If you wanna come visit in Bogotá, definitely give me a call or e-mail me. It's a great city and Colombia is a beautiful country despite what the U.S. department of state might say about it and its dangers.

Se acabó | It's Over

Hoy fui a la clínica para la última radiación. Nada que reportar, la verdad. Simplemente se acabó ese asunto. Ahora sólo toca esperar a los controles dentro de unos meses a ver si realmente funcionó. Estoy contento de que se haya acabado, en todo caso.


Today I went in for the last radiation. Very uneventful. It was simply the last and I won't have to go in again... hopefully. I'll just have to wait for the follow ups and see if it all really worked out. I'm happy it's over, though.

Couch on Craiglist

A young woman, let's call her Bianca, is moving out of town. She needs to sell some of her things, get rid of them and make some money at the same time. And she does need some money. She posts an ad on craiglist announcing that she has a velvet couch in good condition for sale. Shortly she receives an e-mail from a buyer who signs as Rev., let's call her Rev. Mary. They agree on a price of $120, and the buyer sending a check. When the check arrives, it is for an outrageous amount of $1,800, and is signed by a woman not called Mary.

Se sabe...

De regreso de Nueva York de celebrar el cumpleaños del rabbi. Se la pasó bien este fin de semana. Buenas charlas con el rabbi, rememorando viejos tiempos y buenos amigos. Hemos tenido la suerte de conocer muy buenas personas en estos 28 años. Muy buenas personas. Incluso ayer nos tomamos unas cervezas y caminamos por Central Park con un par de ellos.

La conclusión más importante es que nos estamos volviendo viejos:

Off to the city

In a couple hours I'll get on a Fung Wah bus and head toward the city that doesn't sleep. I'll be there short after nightfall, around 9:30. It's the rabbi's birthday tomorrow, so we'll celebrate. I'll be back in Boston on Sunday. I hope the weather people got it right and temperatures are going down this weekend.

El bendito jueguito

Tá bien, tá bien, lo voy a hacer:

(En fálica circulación gracias a elsurdelsur.blogspot.com)

1. Tome el libro más cercano
2. Ábralo en la página 23
3. Busque la quinta oración
4. Postéela en su blog junto con estas instrucciones

Ya puse en el blog de grover, la frase de uno de los libros que están a la mano, así que esta es de otro.
En el del rabbi pondré otra...

The Half-Blood Prince

I got my Harry Potter"It was nearing midnight and Prime Minister was sitting alone in his office, reading a long memo that was slipping throughhis brain without leaving the slightest trace of meaning behind." Ch. 1
So, it doesn't start with the usual, "Harry Potter was not an ordinary boy..." or whatever similar to that it was the first three started with.

Radiación || Radiation

Hoy tuve la primera radiación. Se siento como... como una radiografía, es decir que no se siente nada. Se supone que los efectos secundarios no los empezaré a sentir hasta dentro de un par de semanas, tal vez durante la tercera y última de tratamiento. Luego durarán incluso unos meses. ¡Qué pereza! Por ahora iré todos los días, de lunes a viernes, a acostarme en una camilla y oir zumbar una máquina encima mío.



Ayer, viernes, mientras yo salía de mi primera cita en radiología oncológica, donde sólo probaron que todo estuviera listo para la primera irradiación el martes, Rafa se fue. Se fue para Río, de donde vino hace casi un año ya. Se fue definitivamente. Rafa, el hombre capa, Robin Hood, el pirata de DVDs, el amigo, el bacán, como decimos en Bogotá (verDespedida de Rafa abajo la primera acepción).

PET Scan

I haven't written because... well... let's be honest, I've been lazy. Thursday morning I went for a second PET scan. The first one was in February if you remember, when they staging process. This time I didn't even feel the pain or numbness of keeping my arms up for so long. I was so tired and had been up so late the night before that I slept through the whole thing.